Have you ever wondered, ‘Can Cats Eat Cashews?’ while you are enjoying your snacks? Find out this and more information in our article.
We believe that you are here because the combination of cats and cashews has been running around in your mind. Well, we have got some answers for you. In this article, we will be exploring the question of Can Cats Eat Cashews and its potential risks and benefits.
Can Cats Eat Nuts? Find out here
What Are Cashews?

Cashews refer to kidney–shaped, cream-colored nut that grows on a tree. Rich in fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, cashews grow at the end of the cashew apple, enclosed in a shell. Cashews are a convenient and healthy snacking option. Some by-products like cashew oil, cashew butter, and cashew milk are also widely consumed for their nutritional value.
Can Cats Eat Cashews?
Nuts are the perfect option for those mid-meal snacks during the day. Per 100g, cashews contain 552 calories, so they are your bout of energy. Oh, wait! Does that remind you of your precious little ball of energy, your kitty, and gets you thinking about the combination of cats and cashews?
Ideally, nuts of any kind are not suitable for felines, including cashews.
Are Cashews Toxic For Cats?
Cashews are non-toxic for cats. If you realize that your adventurous pet has eaten one or two pieces of cashews, that is okay. However, if it eats them on a regular basis, that is a red flag.
They are super rich in fats – 44g per 100g serving. While this amount is not even near trouble for humans, it is a danger sign for felines. The daily fat requirement for a cat is about 4-5g, which is fulfilled by the cat food that they eat.
Hence, although cashews are safe for feline consumption, it does not give a free pass to your kitty to eat them. As a pet parent, you should ensure that your cat stays away from nuts.
Do Cashews Contain Any Nutritional Value For Cats?
Cashews contain no significant nutritional value for cats. All the fats and fibers that a feline may obtain by eating cashews are already supplied to it via its daily meals.
Furthermore, cats are obligate carnivores. They do not need to rely on nuts for their nutritional requirements.
Can Cats Eat Cashews? A Few Concerns.
Cashews can result in the following problems in cats –
- As mentioned above, the fat component of cashews is not suitable for cats since it exceeds their daily fat requirement.
- Often seasoned with salt, cashews are terrible for cats.
- Your cat may be allergic to the additional seasonings in packaged cashews.
- Cashews are hard to bite and digest for cats. They are a choking hazard for felines because of their teeth structures, where the main function is tearing and not chewing.
Can Cats Eat Cashews? Something Important!

- Consuming excessive fats can lead to vomiting and diarrhea in cats.
- Consuming excessive sodium leads to dehydration in cats.
- Allergic reactions like breathlessness and rashes may occur due to cashew seasoning.
Can Cats Eat Cashews? Quick Takeaways!
- Cashews are non-toxic for cats. It does not spell trouble if your kitty has sneaked one or two pieces here and there.
- Cashews are rich in fats and sodium, neither of which is suitable for felines.
- The hard texture of cashews can lead to choking in cats.
- Do not make cashews or any nuts part of the diet of your pet cat. Felines do not need nuts to thrive.