Found your cat nibbling on a slice of pepperoni and started wondering if it is safe? Read our article, Can Cats Eat Pepperoni, to find out!
Imagine your perfect, average weekend – you are having a dinner night with pepperonis and some Netflix in the background. Now, add in your kitty. Did the question “Can Cats Eat Pepperoni?” cross your mind? Well, we found the answer for you. Read on!
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What Is Pepperoni?

Pepperoni is a variety of salami made from pork and beef. The widely consumed form of pepperoni is a thin, round shape red-colored version used as a topping for pizza. The recipe for pepperoni varies with each manufacturing unit. Essentially, it contains meat and some chili powder.
Can Cats Eat Pepperoni?
Cats are carnivorous mammals, meaning they thrive on meat in their diet. Meat, as a protein, is non-toxic for cats. So, it will not be the most bizarre thing if you discover that your pet likes to nibble on your pepperoni pizza.
Despite all that palate-appeasing taste, it is not ideal for your feline’s gut to consume pepperoni regularly.
Is Pepperoni Toxic For Cats?

Primarily, pepperoni is non-toxic for cats. The meat is suitable for their carnivorous gut. However, the additives in the pepperoni can be toxic for them. Added ingredients like chilies, salt, garlic, black pepper, and so on may not always suit the kitty’s gut.
Does Pepperoni Contain Any Nutritional Value For Cats?
Cats need a protein-rich diet. The only nutritional value that a cat can derive from pepperoni is protein. Pepperoni can come in handy if your pet is below the mark in its protein intake.
How To Feed Pepperoni To Cats?
- The prerequisite to feeding your cat pepperoni is finding the pepperoni’s ingredients. Once you are sure that the pet can digest a minimum dose of those ingredients, give them 1/2 – 1 slice.
- If you can get your hands on a batch with minimal or no spice and salt, you can feed your cat two pieces or so every 2-3 days.
Can Cats Eat Pepperoni? A Few Concerns.

- Pepperoni, given as a small treat now and then, is perfectly okay for a cat. It might become a problem if you feed pepperoni to your cat regularly.
- Additions of salt and seasoning in pepperoni can be toxic for cats. Cats need less than 41 milligrams of salt per day in their food. One slice of pepperoni, which is 2 grams, contains 24 milligrams of sodium. Additions of salt and seasoning in pepperoni can be toxic for cats.
- Furthermore, preservatives like nitrates and spices are also harmful to cats.
Can Cats Eat Pepperoni? Something Important!
- Although pepperoni is not toxic for cats, its additives might not suit their digestive system.
- Additional ingredients like preservatives and spices may result in gastrointestinal diseases like bloating, cramps, and diarrhea in cats.
Can Cats Eat Pepperoni? Quick Takeaways!
- Even if you can see how much your cat loves pepperoni, it is your responsibility to be a strict parent.
- If consumed in large quantities, pepperoni will wreak havoc on the gut of your feline.
- If required, feed your cat occasionally small bits of pepperoni with minimal seasonings and preservatives.
- Keep an eye on symptoms like bloating or cramps, and consult a doctor in an emergency.
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